My interest in photography...
Began at a young age. My Father was a serious amateur, developing his own film and creating his own prints at night in our kitchen. He gave me a "Diana" camera when I was eleven. I loved taking my own photographs. I continued my interest in photography through my teens and young adult life. Eventually I took a class in photography. I had been seeking something more fulfilling than just work and I already had an interest in pictures. That first black and white film class changed my life. I had to find work that was related to photography.
Currently I work for Photography & Digital Imaging, a technical program offered at Minneapolis Community & Technical College. I completed this program in the year 2000 and the job became available that fall. My photographic work is in photojournalism, primarily sports. Other than that, I enjoy capturing the world around me. Well, a small portion of the world, mainly my backyard. Okay, maybe another area once in a while.